​Application for Enrollment is FREE
Tuition payment due at the time of enrollment
(Enrollment form is to be completed yearly, to ensure re-enrollment for the following school year)​
Full-Time Enrollment Includes:
Year-Round Schooling
4-5 Days Per Week
School at home NOT required
Accredited Curriculum
1 on 1 Assistance
Daytime Off Campus Activities
Infinity Academy Diploma
Ability to earn Accredited Diploma*
Certificates of Participation
End-of-Year Celebration & Graduation Ceremony
COST: $11,700 per year
Part-Time Enrollment Includes:
Year-Round Schooling
1-3 Days Per Week (Monday-Thursday)
School at home on days not in person
Accredited Curriculum
1 on 1 Assistance
Daytime Off Campus Activities
Infinity Academy Diploma
Ability to earn Accredited Diploma*
Certificates of Participation
End-of-Year Celebration & Graduation Ceremony
COST: $9,000 per year
H.O.M.E (Home-Based Online Monitored Education) Includes:
Year-Round Schooling
Home-based education
Online Curriculum
Curriculum Monitored by IA Staff
1 on 1 Video Tutoring Available ($50/hr)
Ability to earn Accredited Diploma*
Join us on Field Trips & Social Outings (additional costs apply)
End-of-Year Celebration & Graduation Ceremony
COST: $2,400 per year
If you have questions about which enrollment option is best for your student and family please contact us at infinityacademy@thearcoftheozarks.org
Tuition may not include all school supplies, field trip costs, and other materials fees.
Tuition is due on the 1st of each month or annually for the school year. Infinity Academy is a year-round program - Monthly tuition payments are broken down over 12 months for an easy payment option. If your student is only attending school during the traditional school months (August through May) and you are on the monthly payment option you are still committed to the June and July payments.
Full-Time Tuition $11,700 (monthly payments of $975)
Part-Time Tuition $9,000 (monthly payments of $750)
Late payments may be subject to late fees.
*Part-Time and H.O.M.E. enrollment is limited.
*All graduation requirements must be met to earn an accredited diploma. Previous school work must be submitted and approved to be counted towards graduation credits for an accredited diploma, additional fees may apply.