Application Process
Email infinityacademy@thearcoftheozarks.org and request an Application for Enrollment.
After completing the Application for Enrollment email the Director of Infinity Academy the following supporting documents:​
Student’s birth certificate
Student’s current immunization record
School academic and behavioral/discipline records from present school or school last attended.
For students entering from home schooling environment, documentation of educational services provided
IEP, Most Recent Evaluation, or Section 504 Plan (If Applicable)
Psychological Evaluation (If Applicable)
Occupational Therapy Evaluation (If Applicable)
Speech/Language Evaluation (If Applicable)
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Functional Behavior Assessment and Behavior Intervention Plan (If Applicable)
Proof of Diagnosis
Physicians Orders for Current Medications
Once all these documents are received and reviewed you will be contacted by the Director of Infinity Academy to proceed to the next steps.